A call to view!

Posted: 16th April, 2018

  • Ornate collage of Milan architecture
The most exciting thing about photography isn't buying loads of equipment, it's having those serendipitous moments when you turn a corner and a scene unravels itself before you. Numerous times I've gone out to capture an image and found something better along the way. 
  • Milan Duomo, Italy

This image of the Prada shop in Milan was one such occassion. My original intention was to photograph parts of the Duomo, but after a bit a wandering I found the Galleria Vittorio Emanule II. The roof structure was very hard to photograph and even harder to put together. Yet the resulting image is one of the most impressive collages I've created yet.  

These images are being created ahead of a forthcoming exhibtion to be held at a London gallery. A mix of British, European architecture and landscapes.

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